PlanCheck Benefits Report
Is your company’s retirement plan performing as well as it could be?
Most companies only know their retirement plan isn’t in the best shape when a problem arises. Our PlanCheck report provides an independent assessment of your organization’s retirement plan. We benchmark your plan and, as a fiduciary, make recommendations that are in your interest.
We believe making the most of your plan is just part of our job
Our complimentary PlanCheck report will provide you a summary report explores multiple dimensions of your 401(k), pension, and other benefits plans relative to industry performance benchmarks:
- Is your Investment Policy Statement (IPS) adequate?
- Does your plan offer an investment menu that is properly diversified?
- Are the asset classes represented by the fund options appropriate?
- Is the overall performance of the fund menu in line with industry benchmarks?
- How does the total cost of your plan compare to other similarly-situated plans?
Request your complimentary PlanCheck report
Tell us a little about you and your company below and a Conrad Siegel PlanCheck expert will contact you to answer questions, walk you through how we work, and help schedule your PlanCheck assessment.